Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Rodolfo Guluarte Hale

Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Mastering Email Integration: Harnessing React, Remix, and Astro with Resend

13 minutes
December 2, 2023
Mastering Email Integration: Harnessing React, Remix, and Astro with Resend

Introduction to Modern Email Solutions

Hey everyone! Welcome to the exciting world of modern email solutions. If you’ve ever found yourself struggling with the nuances of setting up custom email systems, you’re not alone. As a web developer, I’ve been in the trenches, facing the challenges of composing HTML emails that seem straight out of the early 90s and integrating email functionality into various services. It’s a process that can often feel frustrating and unnecessarily complex. But fear not! Today, I’m here to talk about a revolutionary solution that is changing the game for developers everywhere: Resend.

The Challenges of Traditional Email Systems

Before diving into the solution, let’s talk about the challenges. Traditional email systems come with a host of issues. The first and most glaring is the HTML composition for emails. If you’ve ever tried to code an email template, you know it’s like taking a trip back in time to a world of restrictive HTML and inline styling – a far cry from the modern web development standards we’re used to.

Then there’s the issue of integration. Setting up an email to work seamlessly with your existing services and databases can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. The lack of flexibility and the need for extensive testing across various email clients add layers of complexity to an already challenging task.

Enter Resend: A Breath of Fresh Air

This is where Resend comes into the picture. Imagine a tool that simplifies the entire email development process, from composition to sending. Resend is a modern solution designed for developers, by developers. It addresses the pain points we’ve all experienced and offers a more intuitive, efficient way to handle email in our projects.

Why Resend Stands Out

  1. Modern HTML Composition: Say goodbye to archaic HTML! Resend allows you to compose emails with the latest web development practices in mind. This means more creative freedom and less frustration.

  2. Seamless Integration: Connecting your emails to your services and databases becomes a breeze with Resend. Its intuitive setup saves you time and spares you the headache of complex integration processes.

  3. Developer-Friendly Interface: Resend is built with a clear understanding of a developer’s needs, offering a user-friendly interface that makes email management straightforward and efficient.

  4. Real-Time Email Sending: Witness the magic of sending emails in real-time. This feature not only enhances the user experience but also provides immediate feedback for any adjustments needed.

A New Era for Email Development

Resend represents a significant shift in how we approach email development. It offers a blend of modern web standards with the specific needs of email composition and integration. This change is not just about making things easier; it’s about opening up new possibilities for creativity and efficiency in a domain that has long been stagnant.

So, whether you’re a seasoned developer tired of the old ways or a newcomer eager to avoid the pitfalls of traditional email systems, Resend is your gateway to a more enjoyable and productive email development experience. Let’s embrace this new era of email solutions and see what incredible things we can create! Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how you can leverage Resend in your projects. 🚀📧

Understanding Resend: A New Approach to Email

Welcome to the chapter where we dive into the ins and outs of Resend, the innovative solution that’s turning the tide in email development. If you’re like me, someone who has faced the trials and tribulations of traditional email systems, you’ll find Resend to be a breath of fresh air. Let’s unpack what makes Resend not just another tool, but a revolutionary approach to handling email in development.

What is Resend?

Resend is a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline and enhance the email development process for web developers. It’s more than just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that rethinks how we handle everything from composing emails to sending them out. Born from the frustrations and limitations of traditional email systems, Resend aims to simplify, modernize, and revolutionize the email experience for developers.

The Core Features of Resend

Modern Email Composition

One of the standout features of Resend is its approach to email composition. Gone are the days of wrestling with outdated HTML and inline styling. Resend embraces the latest in web development practices, allowing you to create emails that are not just functional but visually appealing and responsive. This means your emails will look great across all devices and email clients, a crucial factor in today’s mobile-first world.

Seamless Integration

Integration is a breeze with Resend. Whether you’re working with existing services, databases, or starting from scratch, Resend’s intuitive setup ensures a smooth integration process. It’s designed to work seamlessly with various platforms and services, reducing the time and effort typically associated with email system integration.

Developer-Centric Approach

Resend is crafted with the developer’s experience in mind. It features a user-friendly interface that caters to both seasoned developers and those new to email development. This approach ensures that regardless of your experience level, you can efficiently utilize all the features Resend offers.

Real-Time Feedback and Sending

Another game-changing aspect of Resend is its real-time feedback and sending capabilities. This feature not only enhances the development process but also allows for immediate testing and tweaking of emails, ensuring that what you send is exactly what your audience receives.

Why Resend is a Game-Changer

Embracing Modern Web Standards

By aligning email development with modern web standards, Resend addresses one of the biggest pain points developers face. This alignment means that the skills and practices you’re already familiar with in web development are directly applicable to email development with Resend.

Simplifying the Complex

Email development has long been known for its complexity. Resend simplifies this process, making it more accessible and less intimidating, especially for those new to the field. It takes the complexity out of the equation, allowing you to focus on creating effective and engaging emails.

Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency

With the limitations of traditional email systems out of the way, Resend opens up new avenues for creativity. It empowers developers to experiment and innovate, leading to more effective and visually appealing email campaigns. Additionally, the efficiency gained through its use translates to more time for creativity and less time grappling with technical issues.

Resend isn’t just an alternative to traditional email systems; it’s a complete overhaul of the email development process. It stands out as a tool that understands and addresses the specific needs and challenges developers face in email development. As we progress through this new era of email solutions, Resend is poised to be at the forefront, leading the charge towards a more efficient, creative, and enjoyable email development experience. Stay tuned for an in-depth look at how you can harness the power of Resend in your projects! 🌐✉️

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Resend

Setting Up Your Front-End Framework

Resend offers a modern solution to email handling, revolutionizing how we send and manage emails in our applications. Here’s how you can set up Resend with your front-end framework, create a dynamic JSON endpoint with server-side rendering, compose emails using React, and implement a real-time email sending interface.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Front-End Framework

  1. Choose Your Framework: Begin by selecting your preferred front-end framework. Resend is flexible and can be integrated with various frameworks like React, Remix, Next.js, or even a plain React app.

  2. Framework Setup: Follow the standard procedures to set up your project with the selected framework. Ensure that your development environment is ready for integrating the Resend SDK.

Step 2: Creating a Dynamic JSON Endpoint with Server-Side Rendering

  1. Server-Side Setup: Create a server-side environment to manage your email functionalities. This can be done using Node.js, Express, or any other server-side technology that you prefer.

  2. Dynamic JSON Endpoint: Develop a dynamic JSON endpoint that will handle the email data. This endpoint will be responsible for accepting data and processing email requests.

Step 3: Composing Emails with React

  1. React Components: Utilize React to build your email composition components. This includes creating forms for inputting email content and recipient details.

  2. State Management: Manage the state of your email content using React’s state management capabilities. This will allow you to dynamically update and handle the email content being sent.

Step 4: Implementing a User Interface for Real-Time Email Sending

  1. UI Development: Design and implement a user interface that allows users to compose and send emails in real-time. This could include input fields for recipients, subject lines, and the email body.

  2. Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism to show the status of the email sending process. This could be in the form of notifications or real-time updates on the UI.

Step 5: Integrating Resend

  1. Installation: Begin by installing the Resend Node.js SDK using npm with the command npm install resend.

  2. Configuration: Import the Resend SDK and configure it with your API key. Example:

    import { Resend } from 'resend';
    const resend = new Resend('your_api_key');
  3. Sending Emails: Use the Resend SDK to send emails. You can use the html parameter to specify the content of the email. For example:

    const data = await resend.emails.send({
      from: 'Your Email <youremail@example.com>',
      to: ['recipient@example.com'],
      subject: 'Your Subject',
      html: '<strong>Your HTML content here</strong>',

    This sends an email using HTML formatting, allowing you to craft visually engaging emails.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate Resend into your front-end development projects, enhancing your email functionalities with modern, efficient, and user-friendly solutions. Whether you’re handling transactional emails, marketing campaigns, or simple notifications, Resend streamlines the process, making email management a seamless part of your development workflow.

Integrating Next.js with Resend

Integrating Resend with Next.js to send emails involves a few straightforward steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you integrate these powerful tools in your project.


Before you start, ensure you have:

Step 1: Installing the Resend SDK

First, install the Resend Node.js SDK. You can do this using npm:

npm install resend

This command adds the Resend SDK to your Next.js project, allowing you to utilize its email sending functionalities.

Step 2: Creating an Email Template

Next.js allows you to create email templates using React. Create a new file for your email template. For example, you might name it email-template.tsx and place it under the components directory. Here’s a simple example:

import * as React from 'react';

interface EmailTemplateProps {
  firstName: string;

export const EmailTemplate: React.FC<Readonly<EmailTemplateProps>> = ({
}) => (
    <h1>Welcome, {firstName}!</h1>

This template takes a firstName prop and renders a personalized greeting message.

Step 3: Sending Email Using React

To send an email:

  1. Create an API Route: Set up an API route in Next.js for sending emails. You can do this under pages/api/send.ts for the Pages Router or app/api/send/route.ts for the App Router.

  2. Import and Use Resend SDK: In your API route file, import the Resend SDK and the email template you created. Then, use Resend’s send method to send the email. Here’s an example:

    import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
    import { EmailTemplate } from '../../components/EmailTemplate';
    import { Resend } from 'resend';
    const resend = new Resend(process.env.RESEND_API_KEY);
    export default async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
      try {
        const data = await resend.emails.send({
          from: 'Acme <onboarding@resend.dev>',
          to: ['delivered@resend.dev'],
          subject: 'Hello world',
          react: EmailTemplate({ firstName: 'John' }),
      } catch (error) {

    This code demonstrates how to send a personalized email using the Resend SDK and a React component as the email template.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate email functionalities into your Next.js applications using Resend. This integration provides a modern and efficient way to handle emails, enhancing the overall functionality and user experience of your web applications.

Alternatives to Next.js: Using React, Remix, and Astro

While Next.js offers a robust framework for integrating email solutions like Resend, there are other compelling alternatives that cater to different development needs and preferences. Let’s explore how you can use React, Remix, and Astro as alternative frameworks to integrate with Resend.

Using React with Resend

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, can be utilized for creating dynamic email templates and interfaces for Resend.

  1. Component-Based Design: Leverage React’s component-based architecture to create reusable email templates and UI components.
  2. State Management: Utilize React’s state management capabilities to handle form inputs and user interactions for composing and sending emails.
  3. Integration with Resend SDK: Similar to Next.js, you can integrate the Resend SDK into your React application, using API calls to send emails from your React components.

Remix with Resend

Remix, a newer framework that builds on React, offers enhanced data loading and caching capabilities, making it suitable for more complex email handling scenarios.

  1. Route-Based Logic: Use Remix’s route-based logic to handle email sending functionalities. Routes can be set up to trigger email sending actions based on user interactions.
  2. Optimized Data Handling: Remix’s efficient data handling can be advantageous when dealing with large volumes of email data or when integrating with external APIs and databases.
  3. Resend Integration: Incorporate the Resend SDK within Remix routes to manage email sending processes, leveraging Remix’s server-side rendering capabilities for improved performance.

Astro and Resend

Astro, a modern web framework, allows for building faster websites with less client-side JavaScript. It’s suitable for developers looking for efficient rendering and performance.

  1. Component Hydration: Utilize Astro’s component hydration feature to create interactive email forms and interfaces with minimal client-side JavaScript.
  2. Server-Side Rendering: Astro’s server-side rendering capabilities ensure faster loading times, which is crucial for email composition interfaces and real-time feedback systems.
  3. Resend Integration: Implement the Resend SDK in Astro similarly to other JavaScript frameworks, using server-side logic to handle email sending functionalities.

Each of these frameworks - React, Remix, and Astro - offers unique advantages for integrating with Resend. Your choice will depend on your specific project requirements, the complexity of your email handling needs, and your preference for certain development paradigms. Whether you prioritize component reusability, optimized data handling, or server-side efficiency, there’s a framework that aligns with your email integration goals.

FAQ on Email Integration with Resend and Various Frameworks

Q: What is Resend and how does it transform email development? A: Resend is a modern email solution designed for developers, simplifying the process of composing and sending emails. It integrates with various web services, supports modern HTML composition, and offers a developer-friendly interface, revolutionizing traditional email development processes.

Q: Can I use Resend with any front-end framework? A: Yes, Resend is versatile and can be integrated with various front-end frameworks, including React, Remix, Next.js, and Astro, offering flexibility in your development process.

Q: How do I set up Resend with my front-end framework? A: Setting up Resend involves choosing your framework, setting up the development environment, integrating the Resend SDK, creating dynamic JSON endpoints for email handling, and developing email templates and UI for real-time email sending.

Q: What are the prerequisites for integrating Resend with Next.js? A: Before integrating Resend with Next.js, ensure you have created an API key and verified your domain with Resend. Then, install the Resend Node.js SDK in your Next.js project.

Q: How do I create an email template in Next.js for Resend? A: You can create email templates in Next.js using React. Design a component (e.g., email-template.tsx) to define the email structure and content, which can then be used with the Resend SDK for sending emails.

Q: Can I integrate Resend with frameworks like Remix or Astro? A: Yes, Resend can be integrated with Remix and Astro. Remix is ideal for route-based logic and optimized data handling, while Astro offers component hydration and server-side rendering benefits for efficient email integration.

Q: What are the advantages of using React with Resend? A: Using React with Resend allows you to leverage component-based design for creating reusable email templates, utilize state management for email composition, and easily integrate with the Resend SDK for sending emails.

Q: Is there any specific advantage of using Remix with Resend? A: Remix offers route-based logic for email functionalities and efficient data handling, making it suitable for complex email handling scenarios when integrated with Resend.

Q: What makes Astro a good choice for integrating with Resend? A: Astro’s component hydration and server-side rendering capabilities make it an excellent choice for efficient and fast email interfaces when used with Resend.

Q: Are there any resources available for learning more about Resend integration? A: Yes, the Resend official documentation provides detailed guides and resources for integrating Resend with various frameworks, including Next.js, React, Remix, and Astro.