Demystifying automatic multi speaker video transcription using AI & ML
I recently embarked on a fascinating journey to develop an automated solution for multi-speaker video transcription, bridgind the gap between AI and ML in transcription technology.
Armed with Python 3.8, ffmpeg, and libsndfile1, you can set the stage for this innovative project. A simple install command gets you all the software necessities swiftly:
$ apt get install ffmpeg libsndfile1 python3.8-venv -y
The automatic video transcription tool relies on two powerful components:
-’s speaker diarization pipeline (standalone version available) performing seamless speaker segmentation and matching across different time frames using AgglomerativeClustering.
- The Whisper model from OpenAI, revolutionizing English speech transcription.
These steps create an efficient multi-speaker video transcription session via AI: decode audio input, process it with the speaker diarization, and finally, transcribe it with Whisper.
You can dive deeper into the project’s details on my GitHub repository:
Get into the driver’s seat of automatic multi-speaker video transcription by downloading yt-dlp, choosing your video and running the prediction script.
$ yt-dlp -f 251 -o HKp68LX7fPA.webm
$ python "./HKp68LX7fPA.webm" "./HKp68LX7fPA.json"
Tap into the power of a free GPU from Paperspace to amplify transcription speed, processing each video in a fantastic 10-20 minutes! Grab the free Paperspace GPU here:
Unlock the power of AI & ML with automatic multi-speaker video transcription today!