Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Rodolfo Guluarte Hale

Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Producers Application And Quote System

Producers Application And Quote System

Producers Application and Quote System, a web-based platform that streamlines the process of creating custom coverage quotes for properties.

This platform enables sales representatives to create and send coverage quotes for a property to property managers for review and approval. Once approved, the property is automatically enrolled in the chosen coverage.

Property managers can also sign in as users and manage their company, add new properties, and apply for approval to a custom policy coverage.

The platform was built to securely and efficiently store and access data from Zoho CRM in the backend.

Overall, the Producers Application and Quote System offers a user-friendly experience for sales representatives and property managers alike, allowing them to easily handle their insurance coverage needs.