Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Rodolfo Guluarte Hale

Hi, I'm Rodo 👋

I'm a Software Engineer

Chatting with Camus: A GPT-4 Powered Chatbot

Chatting with Camus: A GPT-4 Powered Chatbot

“Chatting with Camus,” a chatbot app that lets you talk with Albert Camus using OpenAI’s GPT-4, his books as embeddings, and LangChain technology. LangChain makes the chatbot data-aware and interactive, while Pinecone vector store handles the book embeddings for quick access.

Built with React, the user interface is seamless and responsive. This project highlights the potential of GPT-4, LangChain, and Pinecone vector store to create engaging chatbot experiences.
